Monday, November 26, 2007

NeoScale a Hot Prospect

Had a note from my friend Barbara Nelson over at NeoScale. NeoScale does encryption and key management using an appliance in the storage infrastructure. Barbara relates that, just as the company was readjusting to focus more on the key management product, multiple bids were appearing for the company.

NeoScale is right on that the best way to assure value from encryption is to enjoy comprehensive key management. Obviously, others see this advantage. I'm looking forward to seeing how Barbara and her board navigate this 'hot prospect' status. Quantum never did understand what an asset they had in Barbara, who is one of the few executives I know who has been able to so effectively blend engineering acumen and business sense. But they let her get away to realize her dream of running a company. Whoever acquires NeoScale should be very conscious of everything that Barbara brings to the party.

1 comment:

jtoigo said...

Hi Mark, nice start.

I would like your assessment of key management techniques. Seems like everyone is always discussing encryption (on device, on appliance, etc.) but few discuss key management, which is the real heavy lifting. I thought NeoScale was going to try to change its business model in this direction, but they now seem to be dead as Dickens.